90 Days of Devotion Self-Study Program



~ Cost is $30 USD ~

This is a non-refundable ticket as it is an online, self-paced program.

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About the Program:

A 90-day, on-demand program with daily yoga and mindfulness classes that are themed for each month with the intention of making space to listen to your greatest teacher: YOU!

We created this program to work with the idea of Svadhyaya, which translates as self-study and is one of the five niyamas from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

“Ishvara Pranidhana can be called heartfulness practice. It awakens our constant devotion to the source of life and keeps our hearts open to the divine at any moment, no matter what arises.” - Shiva Rea.

Over the 90 days, we’ll move from the gross to the subtle to explore the intricacies of the five koshas (layers) that move from the physical realm to the energetic realm.

By the end of this experience, we want participants to have a solid understanding of yoga philosophy and asanas (foundational and peak postures) and feel connected to their creative potential!